6:00 PM18:00

Womens Fellowship - The Ministry of Hospitality

Where: Bible Truth Chapel

Theme: The Ministry of Hospitality

God’s first commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind. The second is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Hospitality is a powerful way to show love for others. Unfortunately, hospitality is a major overlooked criteria that God uses to test the authenticity of our faith. The early church was known for its hospitality! Today, with our busy lives, hospitality is a dying art. Hospitality comes in many shapes and sizes, and is meant to be a source of joy and encouragement, not a burden. Come join us has we explore simple, inexpensive, and practical ways that we can practice hospitality! You will have a chance to discuss this together at your tables.

As part of the evening, Becky Teichrow will be demonstrating how to create a beautiful charcuterie board.

RSVP by April 23 to Sandy Hart 715.370.4581 or sandylhart@ilcoud.com

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6:00 PM18:00

Mens Steak and Study

Hey guys! Who can resist the appeal of a nice, juicy steak over the grill? Combine it with a life changing testimony and you have the perfect evening for guys. Join us on Friday, April 23 as we kick back and decompress from a long week. We’ll be joined by Ray Olson, who will be sharing his life story with us, challenging us to trust God to overcome even the most difficult circumstances.

Sign up on the bulletin board (be sure not to accidentally sign up for the womens event), or by contacting Phil Buch at (715) 393-9912 or phillipbuch54@gmail.com.

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